
I currently operate this project under the gift economy model, meaning I use my own time and resources to offer this project freely as a gift for you to enjoy. Here are the ways you can help this project grow, ordered by priority:

  1. The greatest gift you can give me is to receive. I want to help you transcend the psychological self. If I only help one person do this, I have achieved more than enough. I realize that my words may sound like toxic positivity. However, when these insights are explained in real-time, they can be seen as compatible with the nihilism, scientism, cynicism, and skepticism of today’s western zeitgeist. I encourage skepticism and you do not need to trust me to see what my words are pointing toward. See it for yourself.

  2. Share this website with someone, digitally or in person. Here are the best ways to share Word Brewer with others.

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Any Amount
  1. Join me in spreading wisdom through cooperative and collaborative projects. You can do this by contacting me with whatever proposal you have in mind. I’m open to all types, ranging from creatives to angel investors.

4. Contribute to the growth of this project. If you would like to offer a monetary gift, choose from the options below. You can also use the button below to give amounts intended to cover Word Brewer expenses.
